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Publishing a Public Notice FAQ—Walk-in/Individual Edition

Office Address: The Daily Reporter 225 E. Michigan St., Ste. 300, Milwaukee, WI 53202 Phone: 414-225-1801 Email: publicnotices@dailyreporter.com

Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00AM to 4:00PM (hours may vary for our events & summer hours)**

What counties do you cover?

We are a newspaper of general circulation. The Daily Reporter is the official publication for the Circuit Courts — First Judicial District (Milwaukee County). The Daily Reporter is the official newspaper for the city of Milwaukee. If your case is being heard in a different county, but the defendant has a last known address in Milwaukee County, we can publish your notice as well. Please double check with the court on which paper to publish in if your case is being heard in a different county. We do not take legal liability if you publish with us and it is not accepted for publishing in the wrong county.

How do I submit a notice for publication? / How much does it cost?

We do require the prepayment for publications. The cost is dependent on the type of notice you publish. Please see our rate sheet in room 104 of the courthouse for specifics or call (414) 225-1801. You can submit a copy of your paperwork multiple ways:

  1. Via Email to publicnotices@dailyreporter.com
    1. Must pay with credit card via phone
    2. Please provide your current mailing address and phone number
    3. We accept WORD or PDF attachments
    4. If we cannot read your handwriting or the scan is blurry, we will require a physical copy.
  2. Dropbox located in room 104 at the Milwaukee County Courthouse **
    1. Can pay with check or money order
    2. Please provide your current mailing address and phone number
  3. Mail to The Daily Reporter 225 E. Michigan St., Ste. 300, Milwaukee, WI 53202**
    1. Can pay with check or money order
    2. Please provide your current mailing address and phone number
  4. In-Office at 225 E. Michigan St. Ste. 300 (3rd Floor)**
    1. Can pay with cash, check, card, or money order What do I need to submit?

We will need a copy of your court paperwork that includes your current court date and time (if applicable). PLEASE NOTE: We do not provide any publication forms at our office. We do not create the content for your publication. We typeset based off the court forms. Be advised that we have a two-day booking schedule with noon deadline. Please plan accordingly — the sooner we receive your paperwork, the better. **

  • For Small Claims: We need the small claims publication summons form (located in room 104 at the courthouse or online through Wisconsin Court System). If you have your original Summons & Complaint with your updated court date and time, we will accept that as well.
  • For Name Changes: We need a copy of the “NOTICE AND ORDER FOR NAME CHANGE HEARING” document.
  • For Probate matters: We need a copy of your “NOTICE TO CREDITORS” (or applicable document).
  • For Family Court Matters: We need a copy of your “NOTICE TO APPEAR,” “NOTICE OF HEARING,” “ORDER TO APPEAR,” or something similar. There are multiple variations used.
  • For all other matters: Please contact us with details regarding the notice you need to place.

When will I receive the proof of publication paperwork? / What does the proof of publication paperwork include?

Proof of publication is mailed on the final date of publication. Proof of publication includes an invoice, notarized affidavit and sample page. **

Where can I view a copy of The Daily Reporter?

We are a subscription-based newspaper. You can view the digital version online by subscribing at dailyreporter.com. Physical copies are available upon request, but you will be sent a sample of the page your notice printed on.**


**These procedures and policies have been affected by COVID-19. We are only publishing a paper on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at this time. Our office is currently closed to the public as we work remotely. We are only checking the mail once a week and cannot guarantee that we will receive publication requests and payments via mail OR courthouse dropbox in a timely manner. We are also emailing proof of publication to a majority of clients at this time, a policy that may change when we resume normal operations.

Publishing a Public Notice FAQ—Law Firm/Business Edition

How can I submit a notice for publication? There are multiple ways to submit a notice:

  1. Email a copy to publicnotices@dailyreporter.com
    1. Provide your firm/business info in either the email signature or email body.
    2. We accept WORD or PDF attachments.
    3. If you want to review a proof prior to publication, please indicate so.
  2. Mail a copy of the notice to our office address: The Daily Reporter 225 E. Michigan St., Ste. 300, Milwaukee, WI 53202**
  3. Bring a physical copy to our office located at 225 E. Michigan St., Ste. 300**
  4. Place in dropbox at Milwaukee County Courthouse in room 104** Will you invoice my firm for the publication cost or do I need to prepay?

It depends on your firm/company’s status in our system. You can check the status by emailing publicnotices@dailyreporter.com OR calling Ali @ (414)225-1801

  1. If you are considered NET30, our Regional Business Manager approved your firm’s credit application and you met the minimal standards for invoicing. We will send an invoice with your proof of publication paperwork
  2. If you are Prepay, we require payment prior to publication. Depending on the type of notice and the way in which you submit, we can take credit card payments via phone or checks. You do have the option to put a credit card on file with us that we will charge as needed.

What days do you publish? / What are your deadlines?

We publish Monday through Friday. We have a two-day booking schedule with a noon deadline. Holidays may alter these deadlines and if so, we will provide the deadline schedule in our email correspondence. **

What counties do you cover?

We are a newspaper of general circulation. The Daily Reporter is the official publication for the Circuit Courts — First Judicial District (Milwaukee County). The Daily Reporter is the official newspaper for the city of Milwaukee. If your case is being heard in a different county, but the defendant has a last known address in Milwaukee County, we can publish your notice as well.

What if I want to submit an Invitation to Bid or Request for Proposals?

If you want to place a paid notice for a Bid/Project, email it directly to publicnotices@dailyreporter.com AND jobtrac@dailyreporter.com. If you would like more detailed information about posting in JobTrac, please email jobtrac@dailyreporter.com OR call Rich Holevoet at (414) 225-1822.**

When will I receive the proof of publication paperwork? / What does the proof of publication paperwork include?

Proof of publication is mailed to the firm’s office on the final date of publication. Proof of publication includes an invoice (one demonstrating payment for prepay clients), notarized affidavit and a request for sample page form. **

Where can I view a copy of The Daily Reporter?

We are a subscription-based newspaper. You can view the digital version online by subscribing at www.dailyreporter.com.



**These procedures and policies have been affected by COVID-19. We are only publishing a paper on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at this time. Our office is currently closed to the public as we work remotely. We are only checking the mail once a week and cannot guarantee that we will receive publication requests and payments via mail OR courthouse dropbox in a timely manner. We are also emailing proof of publication to a majority of clients at this time, a policy that may change when we resume normal operations.

Why public notices matter.

Before a bank can foreclose, government hold a hearing, an administrator settle the debts of the departed, they must first publish a notice to the public. Public notices affect rights, property and tax dollars. Ultimately, they keep you informed about your community.

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